The Confidence Chronicles (2nd Edition)
Derek Andri Kelly aka Maverick Miles Nehemiah “finds” people. It is a skill set unlike any I have ever seen.
It was during the COVID outbreak in 2019 and eventual Global shutdown in 2020, when Derek Andri Kelly ( @iammavericklife ) “found” Cheryl Dorsey, a retired Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant and author via social media. She spent hours and hours over several months engaging with this individual in pursuit of memorializing his life story; a fantastical tale of his purported $20 million dollar securities fraud against the United States government.
Derek Andri Kelly, who masquerades as Maverick Miles Nehemiah in the Porsche 928 pantheon, took Sgt. Dorsey, literally, on a wild ride. She found herself immersed in a world where nothing was as it seemed; a real-life,version of “Tinder Swindler” meets “The Usual Suspects.”
In April 2022, Derek “found” an intrepid British journalist who pierced the veil of Derek’s lies and deceit ultimately revealing to Sgt. Dorsey, “anyone can get – got”!!!
The CONtinues …
The Creation of a Social Advocate
Contempt of Cop™ – a phrase I coined which describes what happens when an officer gets angry during a police contact. My definition: when an officer steps outside the boundaries of training and policy and punishes someone because of a failure to comply.
Should a citizen survive the cop’s physical assault, that person will next find themselves shortly thereafter under arrest for interfering or resisting. Attempting to hold court curbside with an officer will get you beat up and arrested every time. You see, there is an unwritten but well-known rule in street policing; When a cop puts hands on you, he can’t just leave you- you must go to jail for something. So be clear, it may not be you right now – but it might be you next.
In this new era of Jim Crow which consists of trumped up traffic stops, unnecessary deadly police shootings, and mass incarceration, I will advocate for you; and shine a light on mistruths, misconceptions and mistakes that could get you killed by a cop.

This title is currently out of print.
The Creation of a Manifesto
Let me first state, without any equivocation, I DO NOT condone the senseless murders. However, I do UNDERSTAND. This book will help to make sense out of the nonsense that was instrumental in the creation of a manifesto and the wrong thinking of one individual who challenged the LAPD machine. I pray for the families affected by the violence that God will grant you a peace that will surpass all understanding. I speak first-hand because I, too, was betrayed, beaten down by the LAPD system, wrongly charged and ordered to an arbitrary and capricious Board of Rights (BOR). The department crafts an image of any officer who complains in such a way that makes that officer appear distasteful, and therefore anything that they say or do is rejected. However, I am an honorably retired police sergeant who’s willing to expose the department’s inequities and two-tiered system of discipline. I could have created a manifesto—I chose a different path.
The Creation of a Whistleblower
True story of a black woman who was thrust into a “Me Too” environment long before the movement had a name. The author spent twenty years on a white, male dominated Los Angeles Police Department between 1980 through 2000, a time when things were rough and tumble; where racism, sexism and reverse racism openly existed. Honorably retired sergeant Cheryl Dorsey turned tough lessons learned on the LAPD into a rallying cry for fairness and justice in places where it didn’t exist.
Sgt. Dorsey was subjected to discrimination, harassment, retaliation on a regular basis on the LAPD; until she found her voice. Sgt, Dorsey exposes and opposes injustice and disparate treatment where ever it exists.
The Creation Of A Whistle Blower speaks to those same issues which Sgt Dorsey again experienced while employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District, Office of the Inspector General. An administrative bureaucracy seemingly created to facilitate corruption, conspiracies and cover-ups.
Know that my fight – your fight is a marathon, not a sprint.